Ultraviolet LED Flashlight (365nm)
(Used in Our Fluorescent Mineral Education Kits)

LED Flashlight = $45.00
Flashlight Description and Uses:
This pocket size flashlight contains a light emitting diode (LED)* which emits ultraviolet light at a wavelength of 365nm (longwave or UVA). Along with the ultraviolet light in the 365nm wavelength, LED’s also emit some light in the visible spectrum. This LED flashlight is fitted with a piece of ZWB3 filter glass which blocks most of the visible light waves from passing. Unlike other LED ultraviolet flashlights on the market, this flashlight emits very little visible light, and is best for use in the mineral hobby.
This LED flashlight provides a powerful beam of light to make fluorescent longwave items fluoresce, even in normal room lighting. As a result, this flashlight is great for spotting mineral fluorescence, special markings on new US paper currency and authentication markings on credit cards or other forms of ID. This flashlight is also great for antique and artifact collectors to detect repairs (some glues used in repair work fluoresces brightly under longwave ultraviolet light), or any other application where a strong beam of longwave ultraviolet light may be useful.
This LED flashlight has been used by the National Park Service and others in the detection and study of White-Nose Syndrome (WNS), an emergent fungal disease in hibernating bats.

1) On/Off switch located on the body.
2) Black anodized aluminum construction.
3) Includes wrist strap.
4) Uses three AAA batteries.
1) Approximately 3-watt output.
2) Includes ZWB3 filter glass (pre-installed).
3) Length = 6 1/8 inches.
4) Diameter (head) 1 1/4 inches.
5) Diameter (stem) 1 inch.
6) Weight = 3.6 ounces
Ultraviolet LED Flashlight (365nm) Convoy C8+

Ultraviolet LED Flashlight = $80.00
This LED flashlight is an extremely powerful Convoy C8+ ultraviolet flashlight. This flashlight emits ultraviolet light at a wavelength of 365nm (longwave or UVA). This flashlight comes with two rechargeable 18650 lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries as well as a charging unit.
With this flashlight, the user is capable of seeing fluorescent minerals in a well-lit room or at a long distance in the field. It is important to note, for beginners to the fluorescent mineral hobby, that the strong intense beam of ultraviolet light generated from the Convoy C8+ flashlight tends to make minerals fluoresce much brighter than they “normally” would under standard ultraviolet tubes (bulbs). The intense beam from this Convoy C8+ flashlight may also make minerals fluoresce that would not “normally” fluoresce under a standard ultraviolet tube.
This high-performance ultraviolet LED flashlight is not intended for long duration use as the LED will overheat. Long duration use may burn out the LED. If the head of the flashlight feels hot to the touch, turn the unit off and let cool.
1) High performance 365nm ultraviolet LED.
2) Large head (1.75-inch) with 39mm ZWB2 glass filter pre-installed.
3) Extension tube allows for the use of two 18650 lithium-ion batteries.
4) Increased output by use of a 1500mA buck driver.
5) Highly polished reflector emits an excellent shaped beam.
6) Includes wrist strap.
1) The on/off click switch is located in the tail cap.
2) Powered by two standard 18650 Li-ion batteries (protected).
3) Length 8.75-inches.
4) Diameter (stem) 1-inch.
5) Diameter (head) 1.75-inches.
6) Weight = 6.5 ounces.
Warranty – There is a standard 1-year warranty for the main components of the Convoy C8+ flashlight. The LEDs are covered for 3 months.
Important Note: The LED is a Class 3B Hazard. Do not look directly into the beam of light or shine it directly into the eyes of anything living (including your pets). Parental supervision is required when this flashlight is being used by children.
* LEDs are solid state devices that do not require heating of a filament in order to create light like other types of bulbs. In LED’s, electricity is passed through a chemical compound which becomes “excited” by the increase in energy. As a result, the compound generates light.
Click how to order for information on how to order your ultraviolet LED flashlight.