Fluorescent Mineral Education Kits
Great Starter For School Science Projects!
New & Updated
(Now With Filtered Longwave LED Flashlight!)

Not Just Rocks in a Box!

Retail Price = $70.00 (includes shipping within the USA)
Wholesale Discounts Available (please inquire)
(Wholesale sales great for musuem gift shops, rocks shops and mineral clubs!)
Click how to order for information on how to order your education kit.
Kits Include:
1) Longwave LED Flashlight – The kit includes a battery operated longwave (365nm) LED flashlight. The flashlight uses filter glass to filter out visible light. The LED flashlight requires three AAA batteries (not included). The flashlight attaches to the kit with two clips.
2) 10 Brightly Colored Fluorescent Mineral Specimens – Each kit comes complete with 10 brightly colored longwave fluorescent mineral specimens. Each specimen is labeled with name and location found. The types of specimens used may change periodically due to availability.
3) No Asbestos Minerals – The kit does not contain asbestos minerals, as found in other kits on the market (a good thing when using for classroom activities!).
4) Educational/Instruction Pamphlet – Each kit comes complete with a pamphlet which includes instructions and educational information. The educational section was written by a professional geologist, and explains the phenomena of fluorescence in easy to understand language (ideal for young students and beginners).

Fluorescent Fun
by Bob W. Jones Jr.
(used with permission)
Another very interesting Christmas gift for a young rockhound is a small fluorescent mineral kit that comes with a set of fluorescing minerals and a handy, battery-powered ultraviolet lamp.
Fluorescence in minerals is experiencing a renaissance these days. My interest in collecting minerals was triggered when I saw the fluorescent mineral exhibit at Yale Peabody Museum in New Haven, Connecticut, when I was a fifth grader in 1935. When I became a serious collector, I specialized in collecting minerals that respond in some way to short or longwave ultraviolet stimulation. The result was that the subject I chose for my master’s thesis was “Luminescent Minerals of Connecticut.” Shortly after that, I began writing a column called “Collecting Fluorescent Minerals” in Rocks and Minerals magazine. I wrote that column for 12 years before becoming a contributor to Rock and Gem Magazine.
So I urge you to consider this wonderful little starter kit of fluorescent minerals and lamp. You never know where it might take your youngster. I first saw one of these kits about five years ago when its developer, George Polman, showed me his prototype. It has taken all that time for George to work out the bugs, which tells me he is not only dedicated but very particular about the results of his work. The big problem George faced was finding a lamp that was both reliable and inexpensive. This was finally achieved, and the kit is now ready, just in time for Christmas.