The following are some references currently in my library which I recommend for further reading. Some of the books, booklets and papers listed are out of print and no longer available for sale. For these I recommend contacting used book dealers or libraries. Some of the journals listed are available with membership in their respective organizations. Some back issues of journals may still be available for sale.

The World of Fluorescent Minerals,
by Stuart Schneider
ISBN: 0-7643-2544-2
Pages: 192
Size: 11.0 x 8.5 inches (softcover)
The rich and diverse world of fluorescent minerals is explored in this sweeping survey. Breathtakingly pure colors, with their ethereal glow, immediately capture your attention. Did you know that color television is a result of the study of fluorescing minerals?
Fresh finds of fluorescent minerals are showing up regularly around the globe, and their collection is an entertaining and popular past time. To help the collector, over 825 photos display the minerals both as they might be found in daylight and in under the effects of ultraviolet light. Written for the collector and the merely curious, this pictorial reference will enrich your collecting experience with its informative text. It is an essential source for enjoying and identifying fluorescent minerals.
Stuart Schneider is an attorney who has written 17 prior books on collectibles and antiques. A former professional photographer, he spent many hours photographing the minerals shown in this book. He resides and works in Northern New Jersey.

Collecting Fluorescent Minerals,
by Stuart Schneider
ISBN: 0-7643-2091-2
Pages: 192
Size: 11.0 x 8.5 inches (softcover)
“Seeing fluorescent minerals up close for the first time is an exciting experience. The colors are so pure and the glow is so seemingly unnatural, that it is hard to believe they are natural rocks. Hundreds of glowing minerals are shown, including Aragonite, Celestine, Feldspar, Microcline, Picropharmacolite, Quartz, Spinel, Smithsonite, plus many, more. But don’t let the hard-to-pronounce names keep you away. Over 800 beautiful color photographs illustrate how fluorescent minerals look under the UV light, and in daylight, making this an invaluable field guide. Here are minerals from the United States, including mines in New Jersey, New York, Arizona, and California as well as beautiful and unusual minerals from Canada, Mexico, Greenland, Italy, Sweden, and other places. Included are values, a comprehensive resources section, plus helpful advise on caring for, collecting, and displaying minerals. The field of collecting fluorescent minerals is relatively new and this is one of the most complete references available.”
Stuart Schneider is an attorney who has written 16 prior books on collectibles and antiques. A former professional photographer, he spent many hours photographing the minerals shown in this book. He resides and works in Northern New Jersey.

Ultraviolet Light and Fluorescent Minerals, by Warren, Gleason, Bostwick and Verbeek.
ISBN: 0-9635098-0-2
Pages: 209
Size: 8.5 x 5.5 inches (softcover)
Published by Mr. Thomas S. Warren, the founder of UVP, Inc., in 1995, this paperback book is a great book for both experienced collectors and beginners alike. “Ultraviolet Light” contains four basic chapters, each being written by one of the authors. The chapters include; 1) The Magic of Ultraviolet Light, by Thomas S. Warren; 2) The Fascination of Fluorescent Minerals, by Sterling Gleason; 3) The Fluorescent Mineral Hobby, by Richard C. Bostwick; and
4) Activators in Fluorescent Minerals, by Dr. Earl R. Verbeek.

The Henkel Glossary of Fluorescent Minerals.
ISBN: None
Pages: 91
Size: 8.5 x 5.5 inches (softcover)
The spiral bound paperback “Henkel Glossary” was originally published by the Fluorescent Mineral Society, Inc., in 1989. The “Henkel Glossary” was the result of the work of the late Dr. Gerhard Henkel. The co-editors, Dr. Earl R. Verbeek and Dr. Peter J. Modreski reviewed and wrote the “Henkel Glossary” from voluminous hand printed notes of Dr. Henkel. The “Henkel Glossary” lists every mineral known to fluoresce from the literature up to 1989. For each mineral, the glossary lists the chemical formula and the fluorescent color response (both longwave and shortwave). The book is presented in the same fashion as the “Glossary of Mineral Species” by Fleisher and Mandarino, and is a great reference guide.

Fluorescence, Gems and Minerals Under Ultraviolet Light,
by Manuel Robbins
ISBN: 0-945005-13-X
Pages: 374
Size: 9.25 x 6.5 inches (hardcover)
This hardcover book is the second fluorescent mineral reference book written by Mr. Robbins. Published by Geoscience Press in 1994, this book is a complete source for understanding and locating fluorescent minerals. “Fluorescence” documents all major locations where fluorescent minerals are found, listing geographic boundaries and the known minerals in each area. Entire chapters are devoted to several key fluorescent minerals including sphalerite, scheelite, Terlingua calcite and fluorite. Data tables list all mineral activators, as well as the minerals in which they produce fluorescence. A comprehensive catalog of known fluorescent minerals provides fluorescent characteristics, including an extensive description of color variations in a quick-reference format. This book is a “must have” for any collector of fluorescent minerals. This book is currently out of print, but may still be available through some dealers, or and

The Collector’s Book of Fluorescent Minerals,
by Manuel Robbins
ISBN: 0-442-27506-4
Pages: 289
Size: 10.25 x 7.0 inches (hardcover)
This hardcover book is the first fluorescent mineral reference book written by Mr. Robbins. This book was Published by Van Nostrand Reinhold Company in 1983. The Collector’s Book of Fluorescent Minerals ends the search for technical data by identifying minerals that fluoresce, and answering a wide range of questions about what makes them fluoresce and where they can be found. It also gives basic guidance on starting collections, building up collections, and preparing collections for display. This book is also a “must have” for any collector of fluorescent minerals. This book has been out of print for some time, but occasionally can be found for sale on or

Nature’s Hidden Rainbows, Fluorescent Minerals of Franklin, New Jersey,
by Robert W. Jones, Jr.
ISBN: None
Pages: 120
Size: 8.25 x 5.25 inches (softcover)
This book was Published by Ultra-Violet Products, Inc., in 1964 and reprinted in 1970. The book was written by Bob Jones, a very well known writer and lecturer in the mineral world. Bob was one of the first fluorescent mineral hobbyist to write a regular column in Rocks and Minerals magazine entitled “Collecting Fluorescent Minerals”. Bob is currently the Senior Consulting Editor for Rock and Gem magazine. The book contains information on the history and mineralogy of the Franklin and Sterling Hill orebodies. Also included are some great historic pictures of the area, as well as color photographs of some of the fluorescent mineral specimens. This book is a “must have” for any collector interested in the history and mineralogy of the Franklin, New Jersey area. This book has been out of print for some time, but occasionally can be found for sale on or

Ultraviolet Guide to Minerals,Ultraviolet Guide to Minerals
by Sterling Gleason
ISBN: None
Pages: 244
Size: 8.50 x 5.50 inches
The hardcover version (left) of this book was published by D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc., in 1960. The softcover version (right) was reprinted in 1972 for Ultra-Violet Products Inc. This book provides a background for ultraviolet light and fluorescent minerals, as well as chapters on field collecting, laboratory and mine uses of ultraviolet light and uranium minerals. The book contains black and white historical photographs, color photographs of fluorescent minerals and useful mineral identification charts. This book makes a great addition to anyone’s fluorescent mineral library. This book has been out of print for some time, but occasionally can be found for sale on or

The Minerals of Franklin and Sterling Hill, a Check List,
by Clifford Frondel.
ISBN: 0-471-28290-1
Pages: 94
Size: 9.25 x 6.0 inches (hardcover)
This book was Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., in 1972. The book was written by Dr. Clifford Frondel, who was a professor of Mineralogy at Harvard University. The first two sections of the book are devoted to a general background of the Franklin area, including mining history, famous collections and geology. The third section contains an alphabetical check list of mineral species, characterizing each by its manner of occurrence, chemical composition, relative abundance and mineralogical history. The final section of the book contains a complete list of references which was current at the time of publication. The book also contains quite a few black and white photographs of fantastic specimens. This book is a “must have” for any collector interested in the history and mineralogy of the Franklin, New Jersey area. This book has been out of print for some time, but occasionally can be found for sale on or

Rainbow Minerals of Franklin/Sterling Hill, New Jersey,
by Robert W. Jones, Jr.
ISBN: None
Pages: 48
Size: 8.0 x 5.0 inches (softcover)
This book was Published by Mr. Thomas S. Warren (founder of Ultra-Violet Products, Inc., and considered by many as the “father” of the fluorescent mineral hobby) in 1993. The book was distributed by the Fluorescent Mineral Company. The book is really just a condensed version of Bob Jones’s “Nature’s Hidden Rainbows” book, containing mostly the color photographs of Franklin/Sterling Hill minerals from the “Nature’s” book. Along with the color photographs are descriptions of each of the specimens in the photographs and a pronunciation guide. This book has been out of print for some time, but occasionally can be found for sale on or

The Minerals of Franklin and Sterling Hill New Jersey,
by Albert S. Wilkerson
ISBN: None
Pages: 80
Size: 9.0 x 6.0 inches (softcover)
This softcover booklet is Bulletin 65, of the New Jersey Geological Survey, published in 1962. The booklet contains a brief history of the Franklin/Sterling Hill area, as well as a detailed description of 42 minerals first found at Franklin or Sterling Hill. The 42 mineral species are also listed in tabular form, showing their discovery date and the origin of the name. The booklet also contains a color geologic map of New Jersey. This book has been out of print for some time, but occasionally can be found for sale on or

The Minerals of Franklin and Sterling Hill, Sussex County, New Jersey,
by Charles Palache
ISBN: None
Pages: 135
Size: 11.5 x 9.0 inches (softcover)
This softcover booklet is Geological Survey Professional Paper 180, published in 1937. This paper was probably the first in depth study completed on the Franklin and Sterling Hill area by Charles Palache, the renowned Professor of Mineralogy at Harvard University, and one of the greatest mineralogists who ever lived. This paper contains a detailed mineralogical study of the minerals of the area, as well as large black and white photographic plates of notable mineral specimens from famous collections. This booklet has been out of print for some time, but occasionally can be found for sale on or

An Abbreviated Manual of Franklin Minerals,
by Ervan F. Kushner
ISBN: None
Pages: 183
Size: 11.0 x 8.5 inches
This reference was designed as a “loose-leaf” “do-it-yourself” project by Ervan F. Kushner in 1970. The paper contains mineralogical data for the minerals found at Franklin. This data includes physical properties, fluorescent response, miscellaneous tests, associations and remarks. The information page for each mineral species also references the page number for Palache, Dana, Pough, Jones and Bulletin 65. The pages have plenty of room for additional notes by the collector, and a glossary is provided at the back. This reference is an excellent identification tool for identifying unknowns from Franklin.

The Story of Fluorescence,
by Raytech Industries, Inc.
ISBN: None
Pages: 60
Size: 8.5 x 5.5 inches (softcover)
This softcover booklet was written and published by Raytech Industries in 1965. This booklet was once provided free with every purchase of a Raytech ultraviolet lamp. I received my copy in 1967 when I received my first ultraviolet lamp for Christmas! The booklet was written in easy to understand language, ideal for kids and those who are new to the hobby. The booklet also includes some fun and educating experiments for kids, and describes some practical applications for fluorescence, other than mineral luminescence.

The Odyssey of Ogdensburg and the Sterling Zinc Mine,
by Paul Horuzy
ISBN: None
Pages: 60
Size: 8.5 x 5.5 inches (softcover)
ISBN: None
Pages: 46
Size: 10.0 x 8.0 inches (softcover)
This booklet was compiled and edited by Paul Horuzy and presented by the Sterling Hill Mining Company in 1990. The first portion of this booklet discusses the long mining history of the Ogdensburg area, including several of the prominent people like Lord Stirling, Robert Ogden II, Samuel Fowler and Thomas Edison. Wonderful historic photographs are also included throughout this booklet. The historic section of the booklet ends with the closing of the Sterling Hill Mine on April 22, 1988 when Mine Superintendent and geologist Robert Metsger handed over the keys to the Mayor of Ogdensburg. The final chapter in the historic section of the booklet discusses how the Hauck brothers (Richard and Robert) along with Steve Phillips and Ahmed Elbarki purchased the three parcels of land which had been part of the foreclosure of the Sterling Hill Mine. The booklet ends with six interesting interviews with men who worked in the Sterling Hill Mine. This booklet is a must read for anyone interested in the history of the Sterling Hill Mine and how it became the Sterling Hill Mining Museum. The booklet is still available in the Sterling Hill Mining Museum gift shop.

Journal of the Fluorescent Mineral Society
ISBN: None
Pages: Varies
Size: 10.75 x 8.5 inches
This journal is produced yearly and is distributed to all members of the Fluorescent Mineral Society, Inc. (FMS). The FMS is an international organization of professional mineralogists, gemologists, amateur collectors, and others who study and collect fluorescent minerals. The society was founded in 1971 and was incorporated in 1993. The FMS also publishes a newsletter, the U.V. Waves, six times a year. The FMS Journal contains various technical articles while the Waves is more of a society newsletter. Back issues of the Journal are available through the FMS.

The Picking Table
ISBN: None
Pages: Varies
Size: 11.0 x 8.5 inches
This journal is produced twice a year by the Franklin-Ogdensburg Mineralogical Society (FOMS). The Picking Table features articles of interest to the mineralogical community that pertain to the Franklin-Ogdensburg, New Jersey areas. The Picking Table usually contains news and information from the Franklin Mineral Museum and the Sterling Hill Mining Museum.
The particular issue pictured on the left (Volume 45, No. 2- Fall 2004) contains the definitive article on Franklin Wollastonite by Richard C. Bostwick (a must read).

Sterling Hill Newsletter
ISBN: None
Pages: Varies
Size: 11.0 x 8.5 inches
The Sterling Hill Newsletter is the official journal of the Sterling Hill Mining Museum Foundation. The newsletter is published two times a year, in April and September. A subscription to this newsletter is included with membership in the Sterling Hill Mining Museum Foundation. The newsletter keeps the reader informed and up to date on all new matters concerning the Sterling Hill Mining Museum as well as the Thomas S. Warren Museum of Fluorescence. Historic photographs are sometimes included in the newsletter, giving the reader a glimpse of the glorious past of the Sterling Hill Mine.

The First Fifty Years at Ultra-Violet Products, Inc., by Thomas S. Warren
ISBN: None
Pages: 8
Size: 8.25 x 5.5 inches
This booklet was written by Mr. Thomas S. Warren, the “father” of the fluorescent mineral hobby in 1982. Mr. Warren was the founder of Ultra-Violet Products, Inc., now UVP, LLC. The booklet describes the history of the company that he started in 1932. With a total sales of $391.00 in 1932, to over $10,000,000.00 in 1982, this booklet describes the ups and downs of a company which pioneered ultraviolet light in the market place.

Franklin, Fluorescent Mineral Capital of the World,
by Robert W. Jones, Jr.
ISBN: None
Pages: 7
Size: 11.0 x 8.5 inches
This issue of the Spex Speaker was published by Spex Industries, Inc., in June of 1981. Written by Bob Jones, this article includes a history of the Franklin area, a brief discussion of the geology, and a discussion of Franklin’s unique fluorescent minerals. The article also contains many nice color photographs of choice Franklin fluorescent specimens from the Spex-Gerstmann Collection, as well as the collections of Dr. Warren Miller and Richard Bostwick.

Fluorescent Mineral Collecting, the Colorful Hobby,
by Richard Bostwick
ISBN: None
Pages: 11
Size: 9.75 x 7.0 inches
This three part article on fluorescent mineral collecting was published by Ultra-Violet Products, Inc., in 1975. The three part article was reprinted from the April, May and June issues of Gem Craft, published by Model and Allied Publications of England. The article contains information on assembling a collection, field collecting, ultraviolet lamps and properties such as phosphorescence and tenebrescence.

Fluorescent Rock Hunting,
by Carolyn Cory
ISBN: None
Pages: 14
Size: 9.0 x 6.0 inches (softcover)
This booklet was published by the Fluorescent Minerals Company in 1991. The booklet contains a brief discussion about collecting fluorescent minerals. The booklet was put together by Carolyn Cory, using notes gathered by the late Tom Warren. The booklet contains a few color photograph plates, previously used in the Rainbow Minerals book by Robert W. Jones, Jr.

Ultraviolet Fluorescence of Minerals, Examples from New Mexico,
by Peter J. Modreski
ISBN: None
Pages: 6
Size: 11.0 x 8.5 inches
This issue of New Mexico Geology was published by the New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources (volume 9, Number 2, May 1987). The first article in this issue was written by Peter J. Modreski and begins with a technical explanation of fluorescence in general, and then discusses in more detail some of the 18 color photographs of fluorescent mineral specimens from New Mexico.