You can order by telephone, mail or email. Minimum purchase for mail order is $25.00.
Mineral Showcase Specimens – To order specimens from the Mineral Showcase, please indicate the name of the specimen and the “Showcase” number. You will be notified if the specimen has been sold. If the specimen has been shipped on approval, names of interested customers will be kept in the order received. If the specimen is returned, the next customer on the list will have the next right of refusal.
Mineral Specimens from the Price List – Please indicate the name, location and approximate size of the specimens you desire. If you have a specific size or dollar amount per specimen, please indicate that as well. Remember…. if you allow for some flexibility with respect to price and size range, you will increase your chance of getting a better quality specimen! If we are unable to fill a specific request, we will notify you.
Grab Bags – To order grab bags, please indicate the number you wish to purchase.
Wholesale Flats – To order wholesale flats, please indicate what flat number you wish to purchase, and how many.
Ultraviolet Lamps and Accessories – To order ultraviolet lamps, please indicate manufacturer and model number. If you have any questions, or if you would like some advice on what lamp will best suit your needs, please email or call George Polman at 480-283-1958.
Books – To order books, please indicate title and author.
Education Kits – To order education kits, please indicate the number of kits you require. For information about wholesale pricing on education kits to dealers and museum gift shops, please email.
Gift Certificates – To order gift certificates, please indicate the dollar amount you wish to purchase.
Payment may be made by Visa/MasterCard, Discover, PayPal, money order, wire transfer ($25.00 fee) or personal check. For payment other than Visa/MasterCard, Discover or PayPal, merchandise will be shipped only after payment is received. Please make checks payable to Polman Minerals. Payment from overseas customers must be by Visa/MasterCard, Discover, PayPal, or wire transfer ($25.00 fee).
Credit Card Payments – I am currently developing a secure credit card payment page for this website. If you are concerned about emailing credit card information from a non-secure webpage, please call me with your information at 480-283-1958, or fax your information to 480-283-9182. If you would like to use email for sending credit card information, you can do what most of my customers do. Just send me three different emails at different times. The first email will have the first eight numbers of their card. The second email will just have the next eight numbers. The third email will just contain the expiration date and the three digit security number on the back of the card. This method works very well. If your credit card address is different than your shipping address, please include that as well. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. I hope to have the secure page up and running soon. Thank you.

Most of the boxes are shipped via priority flat rate mail from the US Post Office. Larger (heavier) orders, which will not fit in a flat rate postal box, are shipped via FedEx ground. All orders are shipped fully insured. Insurance is included with the shipping costs on the invoice. Items which are not kept in stock, are drop-shipped from the manufacturer. Please note that Polman Minerals does not charge a handling fee. The customer is only charged for the shipping and insurance costs.
For shipments outside the USA, please indicate shipping preference: US Post Office air mail or FedEx air freight. For countries where their customs inspections are notoriously slow, Polman Minerals recommends shipping via FedEx air freight. Overseas customers may also use their freight forwarding service for pick up from Polman Minerals location. Shipping costs will be calculated and the invoice total provided prior to shipment.
Polman Mineral Guarantee
All mineral specimen orders are shipped with a simple money-back guarantee. If the minerals sent do not live up to your expectations, we will fully refund the purchase price of those minerals only. Shipping cost is not included in this guarantee, and specimens must be returned within 14 days in an undamaged state.
All returns of ultraviolet lamps, which are in good working order, are subject to a 20% restocking fee. Please test your ultraviolet lamps upon receipt, and notify Polman Minerals immediately if it is not working properly. Each ultraviolet lamp manufacturer does have their own warranty, which is included with the lamp.