Fluorescent Mineral Grab Bags
(Longwave Ultraviolet Light)
Great for kids starter collections or artwork!
(See wonderful examples of fluorescent mineral artwork below.)
White Light

Longwave Ultraviolet Light

Price = $20.00 each
5 for $75.00
1) Bag contains 1 pound of mixed longwave fluorescent minerals.
2) Sizes range from 1 x .5-inch to 1/8 x 1/8-inch (smaller sand sizes best for art work).
3) Comes with a label providing mineral names based on fluorescent color response.
4) Minerals will fluoresce under common black light as well (although filtered UV light is best).
5) Some minerals will also fluoresce under shortwave ultraviolet light.
Fluorescent Mineral Artwork
White Light

Shortwave Ultraviolet Light

The wonderful artwork shown above was created using finely crushed fluorescent minerals, some canvas-board and Elmer’s glue. The piece was created in the 1950s by Mrs. Eva Phillips from South Plainfield, New Jersey. The piece is currently on display at the Electric Ladyland Museum in Amsterdam, Holland. The Electric Ladyland Musuem is the first museum dedicated to fluorescent artwork, and currently has three pieces by Mrs. Eva Phillips. The museum also has six pieces by Miera, a Japanese man who was also from New Jersey and one piece from an original miner from Franklin, New Jersey. Along with the fluorescent mineral artwork, the museum also has many other fluorescent artwork exhibits, exhibits of fluorescence in general and an exhibit of fluorescent minerals. The photographs above were used with permission of Mr. Nick Padalino, the museum founder and owner.
White Light

Shortwave Ultraviolet Light

The artwork above was titled “The Franklin Miner”. It was created by Mr. Jerry Day of Franklin, New Jersey in the 1970s. The piece was formerly in the collection of Mr. Stuart Schneider. The photographs above were used with permission by Mr. Schneider.
Click how to order for information on how to order your grab bags.