Fluorescent Mineral Price List A-E

Polman Minerals currently has one of the largest stocks and selections of fluorescent minerals in the world.  We try to keep this price list as current as possible.  However, since we are constantly obtaining new specimens, we may not have all minerals listed.

Unique individual mineral specimens are not listed below.  For these, I suggest visiting the Mineral Showcase page of this website.  If you are looking for a particular type of specimen, or a specific location that is not listed below, please let us know.  Feel free to call George Polman at 480-283-1958 or email.

Prices shown on our specimen price list are approximate, and are to be used by the customer as a guideline only.   Comparing these prices with other dealers may be like comparing apples and oranges since each specimen is priced individually according to rarity, size, fluorescent quality and the cost to obtain.  Prices are subject to change due to market conditions.   Size listings are also approximate.  Just because there may be a price listed in a particular size column, it does not necessarily mean we currently have specimens in that size range in stock.  For information on how to order specimens, click here.

Mineral Name(s)

SW = Shortwave Ultraviolet
LW = Longwave Ultraviolet
MR = Midrange Ultraviolet
PHOS = Phosphorescent

Specimen Size


2 x 2

3 x 4

6 x 6

8 x 8

Kipawa River, Temiscaming County, Quebec, Canada

Massive agrellite with some red eudialyte
SW – magenta/pink.




Cane Creek Canyon,
San Juan County, Utah

Yellow green andersonite on sandstone matrix.
SW, MR & LW – bright green.




Apatite and Calcite
County Road #4, Near Wilberforce, Ontario, Canada

Green apatite crystals in pink calcite.
Apatite: SW – blue/gray. MR – brighter.
Calcite : SW-red. MR-brighter.





Morgan, Utah

Solid white aragonite.
SW & LW – bluish white.
PHOS – SW & LW greenish/bluish white.




Santa Rita Mountains
Santa Cruz County, Arizona

Solid brown aragonite.
SW & LW – bright orange/yellow.





Sonora, Mexico

Solid white cave aragonite.
SW – bright green.




Chihuahua, Mexico

Solid white cave aragonite.
SW – bright green.




Riverside, California

Massive white columnar aragonite.
SW – creamy white and PHOS.
LW-creamy yellow and PHOS.





Aragonite (Crystals)
Agrigento, Sicily, Italy

Green to white hexagonal crystals on matrix.
SW-bright creamy pink.
LW-bright reddish pink.
PHOS- LW & SW greenish white.





Aragonite and Quartz
Atolia, California

Massive white aragonite with patches of quartz
Aragonite SW & LW – bright creamy white/blue and PHOS.
Quartz: SW bright light green.




Dara-I-Pioz, Alayskiy Range, South Tien-Shan Mountains, Tajikistan

Pearly pinkish/white baratovite mica in pegmatite
SW – bright sky blue.



Barite and Aragonite
Machow Mine
Tarnobreg, Poland 

Small brown barite crystals with aragonite and sulfur on matrix.  Some specimens contain aragonite and sulfur only. Barite & Aragonite: LW & SW – bright creamy white.




Barite and Calcite
Langban, Filipstad, Varmland,

White barite and calcite in dark grey matrix.  Fluorescent mixture makes barite appear pink.
Barite: SW – Bright white.
Calcite: SW – Bright red.




Barite and Calcite
700′ Level, Sterling Hill Mine, Ogdensburg, New Jersey

Barite masses in calcite matrix.
Barite: SW – bright creamy yellow.
Calcite: SW – bright red.




Barite and Calcite
Franklin Mine
Franklin, New Jersey

Barite masses in calcite matrix.
Barite: SW – bright creamy yellow.
Calcite: SW – bright red.




Barite, Calcite, Willemite, Sphalerite
Edison Tunnel
Sterling Hill Mine
Ogdensburg, New Jersey

Barite and Sphalerite within willemite, franklinite, calcite ore.  Some pieces have blue fl. calcite.  Fl blue calcite are priced by the piece.
Barite: LW – bright creamy yellow. Sphalerite: LW – bright orange. Willemite: SW – green.
Calcite: SW – red. Calcite: LW-blue




Langban, Filipstad, Varmland,

Barytocalcite in dark aegrine or hausmannite matrix. Some specimens may contain calcite.
Barytocalcite: SW – bright peachy/ pink.
Calcite: SW – bright red.




Benitoite Gem Mine
San Benito Co., California

Blue benitoite in green matrix with white natrolite.
SW – Bright sky blue.




Harding Mine
Taos County, New Mexico

Sheets of bityite in pegmatite matrix with other micas.
SW – medium creamy yellow.




Foote Mine, Kings Mountain, North Carolina

Massive brannockite in matrix.
SW – bright sky blue.



Calcite and Caliche
“3-Color Mine”
Near Silver Bell Mine
Pima County, Arizona

Calcite in matrix, with some areas coated with caliche. Calcite: SW – bright red. Caliche: SW – creamy white. LW bluish white & PHOS.





Calcite “Crazy”
Buckwheat Dump
Franklin, New Jersey

Massive white calcite and dolomite.
Calcite: SW- bright red.
Dolomite: SW – medium red.




Calcite “Crazy”
Noble Pit, Sterling Hill Mine
Odgensburg, New Jersey

Massive white calcite and dolomite.
Calcite: SW- bright red.
Dolomite: SW – medium red.





Medford LaFarge Quarry
Carroll County, Maryland

Solid white and tan calcite.
SW – bright creamy white, yellow and red.
LW – bright creamy yellow and medium red.
MR – brighter.





Buckwheat Dump
Franklin, New Jersey

Massive white calcite.
MR – blue and red.
SW – bright red.





Meckley Quarry
Mandata, Pennsylvania

Solid tan colored calcite.
SW – medium creamy white and tan
LW – bright creamy white and tan.
PHOS – white.




Union Bridge
Frederick County, Maryland

White massive calcite.
SW – Medium orange.
LW – Medium red.





Near New Windsor
Carroll County, Maryland

White calcite showing some growth patterns.
SW – bright red, pink, creamy yellow, creamy white.
LW – bright creamy yellow/white.
PHOS – creamy yellow.




Gopher Valley Quarry
Yamhill County, Oregon

Butterscotch colored crystals on weathered basalt
SW & LW – bright creamy yellow.
PHOS – creamy yellow.





Drusey Calcite
Gopher Valley Quarry
Yamhill County, Oregon

Drusey butterscotch colored calcite on weathered basalt matrix.
SW & LW – bright creamy yellow.
PHOS – creamy yellow.





Gopher Valley Quarry
Yamhill County, Oregon

Transparent light root beer colored calcite.
SW & LW – bright creamy yellow.
PHOS – creamy yellow.





Old Quarry
Slate Range Crossing,
Trona, California

White massive calcite.
SW & LW – bright creamy white.
PHOS – light purple blue.




Castle Harbour Sound
Hamilton Parish, Bermuda

Solid light tan colored calcite.
SW & LW – bright creamy white.
PHOS – creamy yellow.




Near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

Solid white calcite with veins and zones of shadowy fluorescent calcite in non-fluorescent calcite.  Specimens slightly acid washed to remove scale.
SW – red. MR – medium purple.




County Road #4, Near Wilberforce, Ontario, Canada

Solid pink calcite.
SW – red. MR – bright red.





Challenger Cave
Nuevo Leon, Mexico

Pink calcite cleavages.
SW – sky blue. PHOS – SW blue.
LW – pink or yellowish.





Sirena Mine, Veta Madre, Guanajuato, Mexico

Clear calcite plates on matrix.
SW & LW bright light pink.
MR – brighter.





Ajax Mine
Near Superior, Arizona

Solid tannish clear calcite.
SW – bright orange red.
LW – dull red.





Langban, Filipstad, Varmland, Sweden

Massive grayish white calcite.
SW – bright red.





Near Silver Bell Mine
Pima County, Arizona

Masses of white calcite in matrix.
SW – bright red.




Deming, New Mexico 

White calcite cleavages.
SW – pinkish blue. LW – pinkish blue or yellowish.
PHOS – SW & LW blue.





Bisbee, Arizona 

Tiny calcite crystals scattered on matrix.
SW – bright red patterns.
LW – dull pinkish red.




Near Lampasas, Texas 

White and pink calcite cleavages.
SW – blue. LW – pink.
PHOS – SW & LW blue.




Little 38 Mine
Terlingua, Texas

Massive white calcite in matrix.
SW – blue. LW – pink.
PHOS – SW blue.





Little 38 Mine
Terlingua, Texas

Massive white calcite.
SW & MR – bright creamy white and yellow.
LW – creamy white.  PHOS – creamy white.




Peregrina Mine
Guanajuato, Mexico

White to lavender calcite crystals. Some in matrix, some not. Each specimen is unique.
SW & LW – pinkish red to creamy yellow.




Peregrina Mine
Guanajuato, Mexico

Frosted white calcite crystals
SW – red. LW – pinkish red.




Hunan Province

Massive root beer colored calcite.
SW – Bright creamy white.
LW – Bright creamy yellow.
PHOS – SW & LW creamy white /yellow.





Rio de Janeiro

Massive light tan colored calcite.
SW – bright creamy white.
LW – bright creamy white/yellow.
PHOS – SW & LW creamy whitish/green.





Darwin, California

Fine crystalline calcite in light colored matrix.
SW – bright orangey/yellow.




Chihuahua, Mexico 

Massive orange calcite.  Some specimens acid washed to remove lime scale.
SW & LW-bright creamy yellow with zones of pink. PHOS-creamy yellow.





Near Boquillas del Carmen
Sabinal, Coahuila, Mexico

Massive white and pink calcite.  Some specimens acid washed to remove lime scale.
SW – blue.  LW – pink.  PHOS – SW blue.




Halecombe Quarry
Frome, Somerset, England

Massive white calcite.
SW – blue.  MR – creamy yellow.  PHOS – blue.
LW – pink.




Near Romney
Hampshire County, West Virginia

Light tan crystalline calcite in limestone matrix.
SW – bright creamy white.  MR – bright creamy yellow.
LW – creamy white.  PHOS – creamy white.




Stancombe Lane Quarry
Flax Bourton
Near Bristol, England

White fracture filling calcite.
SW & MR – creamy yellow, red and thin bands of
green.  LW – creamy yellow.





Near Short Gap
Mineral County, West Virginia

White crystalline calcite in limestone matrix.
SW – bright creamy white or yellow.
MR – bright creamy yellow.  PHOS – white.




Calcite “Leopard”
Passaic Pit
Sterling Hill Mine
Ogdensburg, New Jersey

White calcite blebs “spots” in dark green matrix.
SW – bright red.





Calcite and Fluorite
“3-Color Mine”
Near Silver Bell Mine
Pima County, Arizona

Solid dull white calcite in matrix.  Some specimens contain fluorite
Calcite: SW – bright red.
Fluorite: LW – bright purple/blue.




Calcite and Aragonite
Promontory Mountains, Utah 

Brown and white aragonite with veins of white calcite. Aragonite: SW – bright creamy white. LW – bright creamy yellow. PHOS – creamy white.
Calcite: SW – bright pinkish red.




Calcite and Aragonite
Worland, Wyoming 

Massive aragonite with calcite.
Aragonite: SW & LW – creamy yellow & PHOS.
Calcite: SW & LW – red.




Calcite and Barite
Crittenden County, Kentucky 

Massive white calcite and barite.
Calcite: SW & LW – bright creamy yellow.
Some small dots of blue PHOS.





Calcite, Caliche, Aragonite
Amethyst Hill
Near Wickenburg, Arizona

Massive brown calcite with white caliche and aragonite.
Calcite: SW – red.  MR – brighter. 
Caliche: SW – bright creamy orange.  LW – creamy orange.  Aragonite: SW – creamy white.




Calcite and Chalcedony
Toadstool State Park
Sioux County, Nebraska

White calcite “sandwiched” between tan colored chalcedony.
Calcite: SW & MR – pink. 
Chalcedony: SW & MR – green.




Calcite and Dolomite
Langban, Filipstad, Varmland, Sweden

Massive grayish white calcite and dolomite.
Calcite: SW – bright orangey red.
Dolomite: SW – bright crimson red.





Calcite and Hydrozincite
Ajax Mine
Near Superior, Arizona 

Brown calcite with coatings of hydrozincite. Some specimens contain small amounts of fluorite.
Calcite: SW – red. Hydrozincite: SW – bright sky blue.
Fluorite: LW – bright purple/blue.




Near Princess Pat Mine
Near Adalanto, California

Caliche coatings on milky quartz matrix.
SW, MR & LW – bright orange.




Caliche, Calcite
Old Quarry, Slate Range Crossing, Trona, California

Caliche coatings on white calcite.  Some specimens have hyalite?. Caliche: SW & LW – bright orange yellow. Calcite: SW & LW – bright creamy white.
Hyalite?: SW – bright green.




Norra Karr, Jonkoping, Smaland, Sweden

Catapleiite in dark green eckermannite.
SW – bright green.





Lime City, Ohio

Secondary coatings of tiny celestite crystals.
SW & LW – bright bluish white. PHOS – bluish white.




Mibladen, Morocco 

Cerussite crystals on barite and galena.  Some single crystals up to 3/4 in.
SW – yellow. LW & MR – bright yellow.




Cerbat Mountains
Mohave County, Arizona

Botryoidal chalcedony with minor matrix.
SW – bright green.




Potts Canyon
Near Superior, Arizona

Sky blue chalcedony in perlite. 
SW – bright green. LW – dull green.





Corkscrew Mine
Inyo County, California

Transparent to white colemanite.
SW & LW – greenish white.
PHOS – greenish white.




Deweylite and Hydromagnesite
Hunting Hill Quarry
Rockville, Maryland

Tan deweylite and white hydromagnesite on matrix.
Deweylite: LW – tan.
Hydromagnesite: LW – creamy white.




Deweylite and Magnesite
Near Cedar Hill Quarry
Lancaster County Pennsylvania

Tan deweylite and white magnesite on matrix.
Deweylite: LW – tan.
Magnesite: LW – creamy white.




Lake Valhalla
Montville, New Jersey

Solid white diopside, with minor amounts of calcite.
SW – bright sky blue/white.





Diopside, Phlogopite
ZCA Corp.
#4 Mine  2700′ level
Balmat, New York

Diopside and phlogopite in light colored matrix.
Diopside: SW – bright sky blue.
Phlogopite: SW orangey yellow.





Diopside, Calcite, Chondrodite
Long Lake Zinc Mine
Parham, Ontario, Canada

White marble containing one or more of the associated minerals. Calcite: SW – red. Diopside: SW – cream to blue/white. Chondrodite: SW – yellow.





Franklin Mine
Franklin, New Jersey

Massive esperite. May have associated fluorescent minerals; willemite and calcite.
SW – bright lemon yellow.





Eucryptite, Spodumene
Harding Mine
Taos County, New Mexico

Eucryptite and small spodumene laths in pegmatite.
Eucryptite: SW – deep crimson red.
Spodumene: SW – peachy pink.




Midnight Owl Mine
Yavapai County, Arizona

Pegmatite material containing eucrypite.
SW – deep crimson red.

