42 new fluorescent minerals to Worldwide Showcase

Today I have added 42 new specimens to the Worldwide Showcase Page of my website.  A description of some of the larger batches is provided below.

A) Tugtupite from Greenland – There are multiple specimens containing
tugtupite on this latest Worldwide Showcase update. Some specimens
contain tugtupite with polylithionite. Others include tugtupite with sodalite and analcime.

B) Sodalite from Canada – Today I have added some nice sodalite specimens from Mt. St. Hilaire in Quebec, Canada. These sodalite specimens fluoresce a very nice bright orange under longwave ultraviolet light and are a must for a beginner’s collection.

C) Fluorapatite from Mexico – These specimens are from the Cerro de Mercado Mine, Durango, Mexico. The fluorapatite fluoresces a beautiful lavender color (best under midrange ultraviolet light). Some specimens contain opal and/or chalcedony which fluoresce a typical uranyl activated green color.

D) Quartz from Italy – I have added several lower priced specimens of fluorescent quartz from La Sassa, Italy. As of today, I think this is the very best-known locality for fluorescent quartz, with the quartz fluorescing a bright yellow under all three wavelengths. The area is now off limits to collectors. Some, if not all, specimens are chemically treated to remove CaCO3 so that the quartz can be seen.